Mountaineering in Cuyo
In the region of Cuyo there is the Aconcagua which is the maximum height of the West. But here you will also find other great mountains to explore.
Cuyo is the most famous region for mountaineering and trekking in South America. It is in the central west of Argentina where the Andes mountain range rises to 6,962 meters for the summit of mount Aconcagua.
In this region of central-western Argentina is Mendoza, the capital of high altitude mountaineering in South America. The great heights of Mendoza are the perfect setting for the practice of this sport. Great mountains and a good infrastructure of services make Mendoza one of the best destinations in the world to climb great mountains.
In addition to the excellent connection of routes to get to the Aconcagua Park, there is also the Cordón del Plata with its maximum height, the Cerro Plata with 6,050 meters high, just 75 km from the city of Mendoza. In addition to being a fascinating destination in itself, the mountains of Mendoza are an ideal first experience prior to more ambitious projects such as the Seven Summits circuit or the highest mountains in the Himalayas.

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